Fleets, which reside in United Kingdom and purchase Laufenn tyres with 17.5” rims and above from official Laufenn Dealer partners (HTM) in the UK between the campaign dates of 01 January 2025 and 31 December 2025, will be entitled to benefit from the Laufenn 365 Damage Guarantee campaign (hereinafter referred to as “Campaign”), which includes a refund under damage warranty offered by Hankook Tyre UK Ltd.


  1. In order to benefit from the campaign, consumers must visit www.laufenn365.com within 15 business days from the invoice date, access the DAMAGE GUARANTEE 365 Invoice Registration form, fill in the form with their name,  e-mail address, invoice number, , upload their invoice and read and approve the Campaign Participation Conditions and GDPR text to register their invoice for future claims against damage.


  1. LAUFENN DAMAGE GUARANTEE 365, offered by Hankook Tyre is valid for 1 year from the date of invoice (proof: invoice).


  1. Only a purchase invoice dated between 01.01.2025 – 31.12.2025 showing the purchased Laufenn tyres is accepted as proof of purchase.

Delivery documents or documents other than the tyre supplier's purchase invoice, where all information is legibly displayed, are not valid.


  1. Damage claim declaration must be submitted on www.Laufenn365.com/damage-guarantee after the date of accident by filling in the Damage Claim Submitting Form by completing the form with the invoice number, e-mail address, tyre product code of the damaged tyre, tyre pattern of the damaged tyre, and uploading the image of the DOT area, size and pattern from the sidewall, damage from outside and damage from inside of the damaged tyre. Claimants must read and approve the Campaign Participation Conditions and GDPR text to register their claim. 


  1. The guarantee covers accidental damage to the tyre resulting in it being unsuitable for driving and rendering the tyre unusable such as: puncture and cuts.


  1. LAUFENN DAMAGE GUARANTEE does not cover the following cases:
  • The costs of fitting and unfitting, balancing, of guaranteed tyre, or the replacement tyre.
  • Damage caused to the guaranteed tyre by fire, hydrocarbons.
  • Damage resulting from improper fitting or improper or abusive use of the guaranteed tyre.
  • Damage such as noise, vibrations, wear, handling, and handling problems.
  • Theft or attempted theft of the guaranteed tyre.
  • Damages or financial losses suffered by the insured during or following damage to the insured tyre.
  • Quotation and replacement costs incurred by the insured without prior agreement from Hankook or any company in charge of this service on behalf of Hankook
  • Tyres showing, on the day of the damage, a state of wear resulting from use that does not comply with the standards for use (load capacity, speed).
  • Tyres whose wear exceeds 3mm + Regrooved Tyres 
  • Damage caused to the vehicle as well as damage caused to others.
  • Damage resulting from a phenomenon of natural disasters.
  • The tyres being involved in a road accident. 
  • Tyres that have been subjected to an act of vandalism.
  • Engraved Serial number, DOT number or Barcode number.
  • In the event of the disappearance or destruction of the tyre.


  1. The submitted damage claim will be examined and validated within 15 days and the evaluation status will be notified to the customer via email.


  1. Submitted claims without a registered invoice will not be accepted.


  1. After Technical audit, if tyre is not repairable technically, by valid evaluated claims the value of the indemnified amount will be calculated from the purchase invoice value excluding tax and fitting cost of tyre and based on the submitting date of the damage claim form on www.laufenn365.com/damage-guarantee and the date of the purchase of the damaged tyre (proof: invoice), if the tyre is damaged in:


01 to 30 days – 100% of Compensation – Based on invoice registered on www.laufenn365.com/damage-guarantee

31 to 120 days – 80% of Compensation – Based on invoice registered on www.laufenn365.com/damage-guarantee

121 to 180 days – 60% of Compensation – Based on invoice registered on www.laufenn365.com/damage-guarantee

181 to 270 days – 40% of Compensation – Based on invoice registered on www.laufenn365.com/damage-guarantee

271 to 365 days – 20% of Compensation – Based on invoice registered on www.laufenn365.com/damage-guarantee


  1. The Laufenn365 campaign is managed by a campaign management agency located in Turkey and all approved claim payments will be made by this agency. To be able to process the payment, an invoice (considering the 0-tax policy between both countries) addressed to the agency for the exact entitled amount will be requested from all customers.


The content of the e-mail that will be sent to customers whose applications are evaluated as valid will primarily include a summary of the amount entitled and a link to a form where the customer must fill in with full name of the company, the company address, name of the bank, SWIFT CODE and IBAN number information to be able to process the payment and must upload the above-mentioned invoice addressed to the agency.

Payment cannot be made to customers who have not submitted the form and the requested invoice.


  1. Hankook reserves the right to examine the tyre in place within one month of receiving the claim request.


  1. A valid evaluated damage claim payment will be issued to the beneficiary customer (end user) within 30 to 60 days after.


  1. For any questions, please contact laufenn365@bigapplemf.com